Jan Number 1
nº 1
With these five,
forty are completed.
Cachetejack is the creative duo that drew the cover. The team was born in Valencia, where they live most of the time.
Cachetejack has four hands, two hearts, four ears an some guts.
They describe themselves as physically likable and perpetuate the valencian tradition of artists who work as duos (like the duos Crónica, Realidad, Límite…) to get a rich combination of her suggestive visions and offer familiar situations to the viewer.
But also to have the chance to talk to each other while they work, a work that -in their own words- is based in laughs, everyday life, colors, energy, sense of humor and irony…
The four hands of Cachetejack belong to Núria Bellver and Raquel Fanjul. Their mixed vision is unique.
This is their web.
Stamp: ©Cachetejack
Carmen Frontera and Fran Mengual are the authors of Tenderete. They were born and live in Valencia.
Fran’s head is a warehouse full of projects in progress. Carmen’s head is an easy color palette that she uses to express ideas.
Carmen needs to transform her work into something luminous, no matter how dark the subject is. Fran needs to work on plenty of different things to connect everything in a single story.
Fran’s work has always some sort of tacky taste. Carmen reflects herself in her work and it’s easy to see her heart inside.
When Carmen is not swimming in a sea of doubts, she is fast and accurate. Fran prefers to walk around comic, photography and writing.
They both treasure thousands of sketchbooks: Fran’s are still unused because he draws on the tablecloths of bars. Carmen devour her sketchbooks as sweets.
This is Fran’s web.
This is Carmen’s web.
Stamp: ©Frontera-Mengual

We were thrilled when Alfonso Aladreta offered us to review the thirteenth edition of Tenderete* for The Valencianer. Inmediately, we put on our journalistic glasses and -equipped with pen and pencil- attended the festival looking for juicy ingredients for our chronicle.
After the unlucky inundation provoked by the heavy rain of december, the author’s tables were distributed in the hallways of Las Naves**, providing to the festival with a more authentic and human mood. There we were, with some beers in our blood and new bottles in our hands, discovering what makes Tenderete so special. The local and international authors, the musicians… all this community of unique people devoted to drawing and making fanzines.
We found excitement at both sides of the table: in the people who sell and in the people who buy. We focused on the people eager to see new things, eager to party or just spending their time.
Now we offer you our portrait of the festival, its flora and fauna. We share pieces of conversations that we heard in some tables and, in the end, we contribute to trace some more lines in the map of the invisible Valencia.

*Tenderete is the supreme festival of graphic and sound autoedition of Valencia.
This is their web.
**Las Naves is a municipal space of artistic innovation and creation.
This is their web.

Shortly after the release of The Valencianer number 0, we received a message from Carlos Michel Fuentes, creator of El Mirlo, the store of drawings and T-shirts shown as the first milestone in the map of the invisible Valencia.
“I’ve just closed the cage from Calle Purísima. I’m not sure if I’ll be free to fly away or if this will be a free fall… I don’t know. I removed the drawings from the walls. I closed the store, my friend, feeling that little pain of “loss”. Instead of the cage, I’ll continue in the cave of my house, the armor exposed through the dark hole.
I’m still online. But it’s not the same… Meanwhile, I will search for a bigger and more visible place to continue this madness. I don’t give up. It’s just a small break to recover myself. Attached is a picture of the store. Can you see the ghosts?”.
The invisibility, in this case, is not merely a metaphor. We will follow with attention the flight of this blackbird. Good luck my friend!
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